Kanazawa University's SGU vision

Kanazawa University “Global” Standard

KUGS stands for Kanazawa University “Global” Standard

Under this standard, KU will educate human resources who constantly take on challenges in the field without fear and develop the abilities, strengths, and human power they will need in the future.

  • 1. Know one’s own position

    The ability to proactively grasp, with a sharp sense of ethics and scientific knowledge, one’s position and mission in historiographical time and geopolitical space of the human race.

  • 2. Know and train oneself

    The ability to know oneself, to challenge the limits, and to relentlessly polish and heighten one’s human resilience through intellectual adventure and physical and mental training.

  • 3. Express thoughts and values

    The ability to clearly present concepts and ideas using structured logic and language expression and to appropriately relay one’s opinions and values to others.

  • 4. Connect with the world

    The ability to actively get involved with the world through coexistence with different cultures by deep empathy for the others and pride and awareness in individual’s country and native culture.

  • 5. Tackle future problems

    The ability to tackle future problems by making a comprehensive forecast of the future of the Earth, mankind, international community and Japan, from multilateral viewpoints including the situation surrounding technology, environmental changes, and sustainability.

  • 6. Thrive in the future (since April 2021)

    In Society 5.0, we will have the ability to solve future social issues through various collaborations with others, by developing minds to take on new challenges, and by cultivating the skills to oversee a wide range of fields and various ways of thinking from a bird’s-eye view to connect numerous fields.

Be a core leader in today’s knowledge-based society, seeing a time of severe changes as an opportunity!

KU-GLOCS is the general term referring to various globalization initiatives by Kanazawa University,
including its participation in the Top Global University Project (Super Global Universities).